Leave a Gift in your Will

Your gift can define your legacy and ensure your values of compassion and care live on through lifesaving kids’ cancer research.

Support a brighter future for a kid with cancer. Leave a gift in your Will.

No gift is too small, in fact, even a 1% gift in Will can have a lasting and meaningful impact on the future of childhood cancer research.

Download your free bequest booklet here.

“I’m including a gift in my Will because I believe all children should have the chance to grow up, free from cancer.” - Col Reynolds OAM, Founder of the Kids' Cancer Project 

Gathered Here - a free online Will service

Over 70 percent of Australians don't have a legally binding Will. An up-to-date Will is one of the most important documents you can create for yourself and your family.

The Kids' Cancer Project has partnered with Australia's top-rated Will-writing platform, Gathered Here, where you can write your Will for free in under 10 minutes with unlimited updates for life. Create your Will today. 

Wording for your Will

Considering a gift in your Will is an extremely personal decision, so please take your time and ensure that your loved ones have been taken care of first. If then you decide to include The Kids’ Cancer Project, we would be incredibly grateful.

If you already have a Will, simply add a codicil (a short legal amendment) to it. Here is some suggested wording: “I give (insert dollar amount/items of value/percentage of my residuary estate) to The Kids’ Cancer Project: ABN 13 061 138 181 for research in the field of childhood cancer.”

With the kind support of people like you funding vital research, more kids are surviving cancer than ever before. However, we still have a way to go until all we can say that no child dies of cancer.

Your gift can help pave the way for a future defined by more effective cancer treatments with minimal side effects for children everywhere. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a gift and a bequest?

Leaving a gift in your will is also known as a bequest. 

A bequest in a will refers to the act of giving a gift of something you own to a person or organisation. The person or organisation receiving the item is the beneficiar

How do I leave a gift in my will?

Leaving a gift in your will, also known as a bequest, to The Kids' Cancer Project is a relatively simple thing to do however there a few things you need to know first.

  1. Check with your solicitor that your will is valid
  2. Ensure you include our correct name: The Kids’ Cancer Project and ABN: 13 061 138 181
  3. Let your family and/or close friends know
  4. Let us know - we'd love to say a huge thank you!

What if I already have a will?

If you have an existing will and would like to include a bequest to support the work of The Kids' Cancer Project, you can add in a codicil, essentially a note, expressing your wish. Please note any codicil needs to be signed, dated and correctly witnessed, so it’s a good idea to check with your solicitor that it is correct and therefore legal.

What is a bequest?

A will allows you to make a gift of any possessions and money you leave behind to organisations or beneficiaries of your choosing. This kind of gift is known as a bequest. Some people choose to leave a bequest to an organisation or charity in their will.

Why leave a gift in your will?

By leaving a gift in your will to The Kids' Cancer Project, you give the most important gift of your life-time. A bequest in your will can continue the funding of bold scientific research to help create a cancer-free future for the next generation. 

Sue and grandchild after making a decision to leave a gift in her will.

Sue's life-saving decision

Sue was diagnosed with breast cancer early in 2014. At the end of the year, after surgery followed by chemotherapy and radiotherapy, she was cancer free. Her experience made her think about her grandchildren, how would her family deal with the trauma if one of the kids was diagnosed with cancer?

I wouldn't want my adult children to experience the heartache of cancer with their little children. Leaving a gift in my will is something I can do to make a difference.

Get in touch

Dane Hiser

Head of Individual Giving

+61 2 8394 7771

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